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K-6 Back to school night: August 1st will be our back to school night. The school will be open from 3 pm -6 pm. You may bring in your supplies and meet your teachers. We are excited to see you all!
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What is 1st Grade Up To?

First graders are becoming great readers! We learn phonics rules and practice our fluency with decodable books. We also memorize poems, mostly about the seasons and holidays. The longest poem we memorized was "Thanksgiving Day." In addition, we are learning how to read a source text and create a key word outline. From our outline, we retell the passage and write our own paragraph. This week we are having some fantasy fun and writing about elves. We use our spelling hand to tap out the sounds in words. We are building stamina and getting good at writing! In science, we love learning about the animals that God created. This month we focused on birds and fish. They have unique body parts that help them move and stay alive. In Bible class, we have learned about three character traits: obedience, reverence, and loyalty. Loyalty is a promise made in my heart to be a true friend at all times. We are practicing being good friends by using kind words and actions and being good listeners.

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ECS is now Accredited!

ECS has now been accredited by the Indiana Department of Education. With this accreditation comes the option for School Choice Scholarships. These scholarships are dependent on household size and household income. The scholarship has the potential to pay for 70% of the cost of tuition.

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Why? (part 2)

As we discussed last week, we believe that opening a school at Emmanuel Community Church will provide a natural environment for continued and expanded discipleship among the children of our community. We also believe...

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Why? (part 1)

Emmanuel Community Church is busy finalizing details for the launch of its Christian school this coming fall. The excitement, interest, and support for the school has been overwhelming and we are eager to begin sharing updates about what you can expect...

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